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A colonoscopy uses a long, snake like tube with a light and camera to look inside the...

غسيل الكلى‬

Your kidneys filter the blood in your body. They remove waste products that could harm your vital...

العلاج بالحديد

Iron therapy is when you get iron injected into your vein through an intravenous (IV) infusion. Your...

الإنهاء الطبي للحمل

A medical termination uses medication to end a pregnancy. It is safe and effective for pregnancies up...

الفرزجة المهبلية

A vaginal pessary is a removable device that is put into the vagina. It is used to...

الموت الطوعي بمساعدة طبية في نيو ساوث ويلز

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) means a person can ask for medical help to end their life. The...

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