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التخطيط المسبق للرعاية

Advance care planning involves making a plan for your future medical care. If one day you are...

Before entering residential aged care

Before entering residential aged care it is important for your GP to look at in home support...

الماء الأبيض (الكتاراكت)

A cataract is when the lens in your eye becomes cloudy. Inside our eyes, we have a...


Dementia causes a decline in brain function. It affects parts of the brain like memory, thinking, learning,...

إساءة معاملة كبار السن

Elder abuse is defined by the World Health Organization as “a single or repeated act, or lack...

الضعف الإدراكي الخفيف

Mild cognitive impairment is memory loss that is not a normal part of ageing. It affects up...

التقييم الصحي لكبار السن

An over 75s health assessment is a yearly test that helps your GP to: identify any health...

هشاشة العظام

Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone that makes it weaker and more likely to fracture. There...

الرعاية التلطيفية‬‬‬

Palliative care is a specific type of care for people who have a life-limiting illness. Palliative care...

الهربس النطاقي

Shingles is an infection. It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles is most common...

اضطراب النوم في الرعاية التلطيفية

People nearing the end of their lives may have trouble sleeping. There are many reasons why sleep...

سلسل البول

  Urinary incontinence is the involuntary or accidental leakage of urine. This affects 30% to 50% of...

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