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Options for pregnancy care

It is important you have a say in your pregnancy care. In South Western Sydney, there are a few types of pregnancy care, listed below.

Complex pregnancies will need more support.

Antenatal Shared Care Program (ANSC)

Under the Antenatal Shared Care Program (ANSC), your pregnancy care is mostly done by a local GP. These GPs have training and experience in pregnancy care. You will still have some hospital clinic visits, and you will give birth in hospital.
This choice is for typical pregnancies. More complex pregnancies will be seen by the Antenatal Doctors Clinic.


  • You can choose your ANSC GP (if they are able to take you on as a patient)
  • The same GP will care for you during and after your pregnancy
  • It can be easier to attend your GP practice than a hospital clinic


  • You still have to attend a hospital clinic a few times
  • Some GPs charge a gap which means there may be a cost involved

Typical vs. Complex

Typical pregnancies are those that don’t need specialist care.

Complex pregnancies are those where the mother or baby’s health is at high-risk for complication

In both types of pregnancy, if there is an emergency complication, you will be taken to the nearest public hospital birthing unit by ambulance.

Antenatal Midwifery Clinics

Under the Antenatal Midwifery Clinic, hospital midwives provide your pregnancy care. For your check ups, you will need to come to a hospital or community clinic. Some clinics also offer Midwifery Group Practice. This is where you see the same midwife at each visit.

Antenatal Midwifery Clinics are for typical pregnancies. More complex pregnancies will be seen by the Antenatal Doctors Clinic.


  • If you are in a Midwifery Group Practice, you will see the same midwife
  • There is no cost for you


  • If you are not in a Midwifery Group Practice, you may see a different midwife each time
  • Some people find it harder to get to the hospital due to parking, transport, etc.
  • There is less chance to build a relationship with a GP to support you and your baby after birth


Antenatal Doctors Clinic

These are specialist clinics that provide care for complex pregnancies. This includes pregnant women who have a prior health condition. You may also be referred to this clinic if there are problems during the pregnancy.


Private Obstetrician

A private obstetrician is a specialist doctor who looks after your pregnancy care. If your pregnancy becomes complex, they will arrange further care to support you. This may be with other private specialists.


  • You choose your doctor
  • The same person provides your care and delivers your baby


  • This can be expensive and may involve gap payments
  • You may need to give birth at a hospital further away from where you live

What is a Doula?

A doula is someone who offers emotional and physical support to a woman before, during and after childbirth.
A doula will help with birth planning and attend the birth with the woman.
Doulas are registered professionals and fees are involved.

What questions could I ask my doctor?

  • Do I have a complex pregnancy?
  • Are you an antenatal shared care provider?
  • What costs are involved with each option?
  • When do I have to choose my preferred pregnancy care option?

Where can I find out more?

If you have any further questions regarding what the most appropriate option for your pregnancy care is, speak to  your GP or contact your local antenatal clinic.

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