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الثآليل والثآليل الأخمصية

What are warts/verrucas? Warts and plantar warts (verrucas) are small, hard lumps on the skin. They are caused by a...

Rheumatic Heart Disease

What is rheumatic heart disease? Rheumatic fever can cause damage to the heart. This is called rheumatic heart disease. The...

Rheumatic fever

What is rheumatic fever? Rheumatic fever can happen if a throat infection isn’t treated. It can affect your joints, heart,...

Respiratory muscle weakness

What is it? Respiratory muscle weakness can be a serious problem for people who live with neuromuscular disease. The most...

Eyelid lesions

What is it? An eyelid lesion is a lump on the eyelid. They are common and can be painful or...


What is it? Pterygium is a fleshy overgrowth on the surface of the eye. It is common and can affect...

حصى الكلى‬

What is it? Kidney stones are small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys. They are common and can be...


What is it? Scabies is a skin problem. It is caused by tiny mites. They burrow into the skin and...

نقص فيتامين ب12

What is it? Vitamin B12 deficiency means you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your body. Our bodies need vitamin...

مسامير اللحم والدُشبذات

What is it? Corns and calluses are patches of thick, hard skin. They usually form on feet and toes but...

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