العنف والتعسف المنزلي والأسري

Domestic and family abuse and violence comes in many forms. This type of violence doesn’t discriminate and...

التخطيط للسلامة في حالات العنف المنزلي

You may need a safety plan if you feel you are at risk of domestic and family...

الاعتداء الجنسي

Sexual assault as any type of sexual behaviour that makes someone feel uncomfortable, frightened, intimidated or threatened....

العناية بجبيرتك

How do I look after my cast? It is important to let the case fully dry. Arm plaster casts can...

كسر الترقوة

A clavicle fracture is a break in the collar bone. Your collar bone is one of the...

تمارين للذراع واليد المجبّرة

Why is this important? Your wrist has been put in a cast to stop it from moving so the bones...

آلام الظهر

Back pain is the term for pain felt in the spine or back. It can be mild...

فقر الدم (الأنيميا)‬‬

Anaemia is when your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. This reduces the oxygen...

التخثر الوريدي العميق‬

Deep vein thrombosis is a type of blood clot that forms in a deep vein (not a...

ارتفاع ضغط الدم

Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure. High blood pressure means your blood is pumping...

الانصمام الرئوي

A pulmonary embolism is when a blood clot blocks the arteries that supply blood to the lungs....

سرطان الأمعاء

Bowel cancer is cancer that affects the colon or rectum. It is also called colorectal cancer. Cancer...

الكشف عن سرطان الثدي

Breast cancer screening is a test that checks for early signs of breast cancer. When breast cancer...

سرطان بطانة الرحم

Endometrial cancer is cancer that starts in the uterus. Most women who get this type of cancer...

الخطر العائلي للإصابة بسرطان الثدي أو سرطان المبيض

Around five percent of breast cancers and 15 percent of ovarian cancers are due to a family...

سرطان الكبد

Liver cancer is cancer that starts in the cells of the liver. In people with liver cancer,...

سرطان الرئة

Lung cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the lungs. In Australia, more people die...

الورم الميلانيني

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer. Australia has the highest rate of melanoma in the...

Multidisciplinary teams in cancer care

When you have been diagnosed with cancer, you will be cared for by a whole team of...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

سرطان المبيض

Ovarian cancer is cancer that begins in the ovaries. In people with this type of cancer, cells...

ADHD in children

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common developmental disorder that affects how people behave. Children with ADHD may...

Autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (autism for short) affects how someone thinks, feels, acts and behaves with others. Signs...

السلوكيات الداعية للقلق لدى الأطفال

Some children act differently to other children. Behaving differently isn’t always a problem. But, if your child’s...

الورم الوعائي الدموي في الأطفال (الوحمة)

An infantile haemangioma is the most common type of birthmark in babies. They often appear a few...

قضايا النمو الداعية للقلق لدى الأطفال

GPs use milestones to track your child’s development. Milestones are the skills and tasks children can do...

اضطرابات القلق المرضي لدى الأطفال والشباب

An anxiety disorder is when we often feel very anxious. This can be anxious about something specific...

الاضطرابات السلوكية لدى الأطفال والشباب

A behavioural disorder is when a child has difficulty with their emotions and behaviours. Their behaviour can...

الاضطرابات القهرية لدى الأطفال والشباب

A compulsive disorder is when a person has repeated unwanted thoughts or the need to repeat a...

اضطرابات الاكتئاب والمزاج ثنائي القطب لدى الأطفال والشباب

A depressive disorder is when a person has low mood, less interest or enjoyment in activities and...

الاضطرابات الذهانية لدى الأطفال والشباب

Getting a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder will depend how long, how bad and in what ways...

التهاب المفاصل مجهول السبب عند الأطفال

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a type of arthritis that develops in a child aged 16 or younger....

انقطاع النفس الانسدادي أثناء النوم لدى الأطفال

Obstructive sleep apnoea is when something partly or completely blocks the throat during sleep. This causes breathing...

الطفح الجلدي عند الأطفال

A rash is a change in colour and texture of the skin. They can feel hot, itchy,...

التحكم في الوزن لدى الأطفال

Weight management in children is about making long-term changes that support a healthy lifestyle. The goal is...

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is a new type of virus. It was first detected in 2019. It is infectious and...

How to manage COVID-19 at home

Can I manage my COVID-19 at home? Most people can safely manage COVID-19 at home. This means if you get...

داء السكري والنظام الغذائي

Diet is an important part of managing your diabetes. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for diabetes, because...

مرض السكري والحمل

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are pregnant, you need special care. If...

فحص العيون لدى المصابين بداء السكري

Diabetes is not just a disease that affects your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can...

فحص الأقدام عند المصابين بالسكري

Diabetes is not just a disease that affects your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can...

فحص الكلى عند المصابين بالسكري

High blood sugar levels can damage your kidneys. Undiagnosed kidney damage can lead to serious health issues....

Diabetes Medications

If you have type 2 diabetes, you may need medication to help manage your blood sugar levels....

سكري الحمل

Diabetes develops if the body can’t make enough insulin. Insulin helps the body to absorb sugar from...

إرشادات لتخزين الأنسولين والتعامل معه

Storage Vials and cartridges of insulin not currently being used should be stored in the refrigerator (2 to 8 degrees)...

نقص غلوكوز الدم

Hypoglycaemia is low blood sugar and it’s one of the most common problems related to diabetes. Taking...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...


After you eat, your body breaks down food into glucose, a type of sugar. A hormone called...

تخطيط ما قبل الحمل للسيدات المصابات بالسكري

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are thinking about having a baby, pre-pregnancy...

داء السكري من النوع 1

Type 1 diabetes is when your pancreas is unable to make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that...

مرض السكري من النوع 2

Diabetes develops if the body can’t make enough insulin. After you eat, your body breaks down food...

فوائد التمارين الرياضية

It can sometimes seem too hard to exercise, with time, money, tiredness and other factors getting in the way. However,...

الحفاظ على التغيير الصحي للسلوك

Sometimes getting the motivation to change our lifestyle is easy but actually making that change and sticking with it can...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

التخطيط لفقدان الوزن

Being overweight or obese can have an impact on your health, but even small amounts of weight...

مشكلة القمار

Some people can gamble responsibly, but others find it hard to stop. Gambling becomes a problem when...

الإقلاع عن التدخين‬

Smoking is the greatest cause of preventable illness and death in Australia. Around two-thirds of long-term smokers...


Alcohol is a legal drug in Australia for people over the age of 18. However, alcohol use...


Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It is used in three main forms:...


Methamphetamine is an illegal stimulant which is often called ‘crystal meth’ or ‘ice’. Methamphetamine gives you a...

برامج الإبر والمحاقن

Needle and syringe services in South Western Sydney Find your closest Needle and Syringe Program outlet below.

المواد أفيونية المفعول

There are many types of opioids, including prescription opioids such as morphine and illegal opioids such as...

ممارسات الحقن الآمن

What should I do? People who inject drugs can place themselves at risk of HIV, hepatitis C and other blood...

فحص العيون لدى المصابين بداء السكري

Diabetes is not just a disease that affects your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can...

كسر الكاحل

An ankle fracture is a broken ankle. Fractures can be thin cracks or complete breaks that shatter....

التواء الكاحل

An ankle sprain is an ankle injury caused by rolling, twisting or straining the ankle. An ankle...

ظفر القدم الغارز في اللحم

Ingrown toenails occur when your toenail grows into the skin of the toe. They are most common...

سرطان الأمعاء

Bowel cancer is cancer that affects the colon or rectum. It is also called colorectal cancer. Cancer...

فقر الدم الناجم عن عَوَز الحديد‬

Iron deficiency anaemia is a type of anaemia caused by a lack of iron. You need iron...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

نقص فيتامين ب12

Vitamin B12 deficiency means you don’t have enough vitamin B12 in your body. Our bodies need vitamin...

الخطر العائلي للإصابة بسرطان الثدي أو سرطان المبيض

Around five percent of breast cancers and 15 percent of ovarian cancers are due to a family...

داء ترسب الأصبغة الدموية

Haemochromatosis causes the body to absorb too much iron from food. The condition is genetic, which means...

متلازمة النفق الرسغي

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a pinched nerve in your wrist. The pinched nerve causes a...

تقلُّص دوبويتران

Dupuytren’s Contracture happens when the skin under your hand slowly thickens and gets tight. This can force...


Ganglia are small cysts, they are also known as ganglion cysts. They look like small bumps and...

جبيرة الإصبع

A mallet splint is designed to keep your finger tip in an over-extended position to allow the...

كسور العظم الزورقي

A scaphoid fracture is a break in one of the bones in your wrist. They usually happen...

ألم الصدر‬‬‬‬‬‬

Chest pain can feel like a dull ache, a sharp stab, or a crushing or burning sensation....

هبوط القلب / السكتة القلبية‬‬‬‬

Heart failure is when your heart can’t pump enough blood to the rest of your body. The...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...


Immunisation is the process of getting a vaccine against a serious disease. Vaccines work by producing an...

التطعيم والحمل

Getting certain vaccines before, during and after pregnancy protects you and your baby. Vaccines for pregnant women...

لقاح الإنفلونزا

The influenza (flu) vaccine protects against the flu. The vaccine helps reduce the risk of getting sick...

إصابة الكلى الحادة

Acute kidney injury is a form of kidney damage that occurs quickly, over a few hours to...

مرض الكلى المزمن

Your kidneys filter the blood in your body, removing waste products that can harm your organs. If...

إنتان الكلى (التهاب الكلى والحويضة)

Kidney infections happen when bacteria enters your body via the urethra (the tube you pass urine through)....

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

بيلة بروتينية

Proteinuria is the medical name for protein in the urine. There is usually a small amount of...

ألم الركبة

Knee pain is pain you can feel in the knee joint or around the knee. Knee pain...

التهاب الجراب أمام الرضفة (التهاب الركبة)

Prepatellar bursitis is a type of knee injury that occurs when the bursa, in the front of...

ألم قصبة الساق (الظنبوب)

The shin bone (tibia) is the large bone at the front of the lower leg. Shin pain...

مرض الكبد الدهني

Healthy livers have very little or no fat in them. But if you drink too much alcohol,...

التهاب الكبد الوبائي ب

Hepatitis B is a virus that affects the liver. The virus is spread through body fluids such...

التهاب الكبد الوبائي ج

Hepatitis C is a virus that affects your liver. It is spread by direct blood contact such...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

ضيق التنفس (قصر النفس)

Breathlessness is shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. It can happen for a number of reasons, including:...

مرض الانسداد الرئوي المزمن (COPD)

COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, describes a range of lung diseases, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, non-reversible...

المرحلة النهائية لمرض الجهاز التنفسي

End-stage respiratory disease is when a lung disease reaches a stage where the person with the disease...

سرطان الرئة

Lung cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the lungs. In Australia, more people die...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

الالتهاب الرئوي

Pneumonia is a serious lung infection caused by a bacteria or virus. It can affect one or...

خطة التصرف عند إنقطاع الأنفاس

The Shortness of Breath Action Plan shows different ways to manage your breathlessness. It is completed with...

فحص القولون بالمنظار

A colonoscopy uses a long, snake like tube with a light and camera to look inside the...

غسيل الكلى‬

Your kidneys filter the blood in your body. They remove waste products that could harm your vital...

العلاج بالحديد

Iron therapy is when you get iron injected into your vein through an intravenous (IV) infusion. Your...

الإنهاء الطبي للحمل

A medical termination uses medication to end a pregnancy. It is safe and effective for pregnancies up...

الموت الطوعي بمساعدة طبية في نيو ساوث ويلز

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) means a person can ask for medical help to end their life. The...

Biliary scan

A Biliary scan is a test to detect certain diseases of the gall bladder. It provides information...

Bone scan

A bone scan is useful in diagnosing and assessing a wide range of bone and joint diseases....

Colon transit scan

A Colon Transit scan is a test to examine if there is a problem with the movement...

Gallium scan

A Gallium Scan is a test that is used to detect a number of diseases including infections,...

Gastric emptying scan

A Gastric Emptying Scan is a test to examine if there is a problem with the movement...

Gated heart pool scan

A gated heart pool scan looks at how well the heart is pumping. It may be performed...

تصوير الكبد والطحال بالنظائر المشعة

A Liver-Spleen scan is a test to examine the liver and/or the spleen for abnormalities. This test...

Lung (V/Q) scan

A lung (V/Q) scan is also known as a lung ventilation and perfusion scan. This test is...

MIBG scan

An MIBG Scan is a test that is used to detect various tumours of the neuro-endocrine system....

التصوير الومضائي لمستقبلات السوماتوستاتين

An Octreotide scan is a test that is used to detect various tumours of the neuro-endocrine system....

اختبار تحمل السكر الفموي

An oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, is a test that looks at the amount of glucose...

تصوير الغدة الجار درقية

A Parathyroid scan is a test to identify and localise overactive parathyroid gland(s). What do I...

Positron emission tomography scan

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detects and measures glucose metabolism within the body. PET scans can diagnose certain...

Radioiodine total body search

A Radioiodine Total Body Search detects the presence of residual thyroid tissue or cancer spread in patients...

تصوير الكبد بكرويات الدم الحمراء

Liver masses are often found by other tests such as ultrasound or CT scans. An RBC Liver...

التعافي من عملية جراحية بالمنظار

Laparoscopic, or keyhole surgery, involves 3-4 small incisions (cuts) up to 1cm long in the abdomen (stomach)....

Renal cortex scan

A renal cortex scan is also known as a DSMA renal scan. The scan examines the functioning...

Renal scan

A renal scan looks at kidney blood flow and function. It can give information that cannot be...

فحص العقدة الليمفاوية الخافرة

What is a sentinel lymph node? Lymph is fluid that escapes from blood vessels into the tissues. It travels in...

خزعة الجلد

A skin biopsy is a quick and simple procedure that removes a small sample of skin for...

تصوير الغدة الدرقية

A thyroid scan shows the function and structure of the thyroid gland. It can give information not...

الموجات فوق الصوتية

An ultrasound scan creates a real-time picture of the inside of the body using sound waves. Ultrasound...

فحص خلايا الدم البيضاء

A white blood cell scan is a test used to detect areas of infection in the body...

الأدوية المضادة للذهان

Psychosis is a serious mental health condition. It is when a person cannot tell the difference between...


Anxiety is when you feel anxious or stressed without a clear reason. It is the most common...

الفجيعة والحزن والخسارة

Bereavement is the process of coping with the death of a family member or close friend. If...


Depression is a mental health condition that affects your mood. One in six people will experience depression...

الصحة النفسية أثناء الكوارث

A disaster can include heatwaves, bushfires, droughts, floods, severe storms and tropical cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides....

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

مشكلة القمار

Some people can gamble responsibly, but others find it hard to stop. Gambling becomes a problem when...

أذى الذات

Self harm is when someone purposely hurts a part of their body. Some common forms of self-harm...

الأفكار الانتحارية

Sometimes, people have thoughts about wanting to harm themselves or end their life. These thoughts may occur...

القنب الطبي

Medicinal cannabis comes from the cannabis plant (also called marijuana). Most medicinal cannabis contains cannabidiol (CBD) and...

السكتة الدماغية

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is blocked. There are two main types...

النوبة الإقفارية العابرة (TIA)

A Transient Ischaemic Attack, also known as a TIA, is a minor stroke. It occurs when blood...

ADHD in children

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common developmental disorder that affects how people behave. Children with ADHD may...

Autism in children

Autism spectrum disorder (autism for short) affects how someone thinks, feels, acts and behaves with others. Signs...


Dementia causes a decline in brain function. It affects parts of the brain like memory, thinking, learning,...

الصرع والحمل عند النساء

If you have epilepsy and want to fall pregnant, there are some issues you need to be...

الضعف الإدراكي الخفيف

Mild cognitive impairment is memory loss that is not a normal part of ageing. It affects up...

التخطيط المسبق للرعاية

Advance care planning involves making a plan for your future medical care. If one day you are...


Dementia causes a decline in brain function. It affects parts of the brain like memory, thinking, learning,...

الضعف الإدراكي الخفيف

Mild cognitive impairment is memory loss that is not a normal part of ageing. It affects up...

الرعاية التلطيفية‬‬‬

Palliative care is a specific type of care for people who have a life-limiting illness. Palliative care...

اضطراب النوم في الرعاية التلطيفية

People nearing the end of their lives may have trouble sleeping. There are many reasons why sleep...

الألم المزمن

Chronic pain is pain that lasts longer than expected. It usually occurs after an injury or disease....

Medication for acute pain

There are two main types of pain: acute and chronic. Acute pain starts suddenly and is usually...

التعامل مع الألم أثناء الرعاية التلطيفية

More than 65% of palliative care patients experience a form of pain from mild to severe, depending...

فقر الدم أثناء الحمل

Anaemia means you don’t have enough red blood cells in your blood. It’s often caused by low...

الفحص السابق للولادة

A fetal anomaly, sometimes called a birth defect, is when there is a change to part of...

الربو أثناء الحمل

If you have asthma and are pregnant, your asthma control can change. Some women have an increase...

الولادة التالية للولادة القيصرية

For women who have had one or more caesarean sections in the past, you may have the...

النزيف في منتصف إلى أواخر الحمل

Bleeding in mid to late pregnancy is any bleeding from 20 weeks to full term. It can...

النزيف في النساء ذوات عامل ريصي سالب

Every person has one of four blood types (A, B, AB or O). These blood types are...

التغلّب على محنة فقدان الجنين

What will my healthcare team do? Your healthcare team can answer many of the medical questions you may have regarding...

مرض السكري والحمل

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are pregnant, you need special care. If...

التمدد والكشط

A Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is an operation performed on women to scrape away the lining of...

الصرع والحمل عند النساء

If you have epilepsy and want to fall pregnant, there are some issues you need to be...

حركات الجنين

Fetal movements is a term that refers to the baby’s movements in the womb during pregnancy. Your...

سكري الحمل

Diabetes develops if the body can’t make enough insulin. Insulin helps the body to absorb sugar from...

ارتفاع ضغط الدم في أثناء الحمل ومقدمات تسمُّم الحمل

Hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia are health concerns that can affect pregnant women at any stage. Hypertension...

الإنهاء الطبي للحمل

A medical termination uses medication to end a pregnancy. It is safe and effective for pregnancies up...


A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs within the fi­rst 20 weeks. This is usually confirmed...

السمنة أثناء الحمل

It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy. However, being overweight or obese before pregnancy, or putting...

متابعة التمزق العجاني

It is common for women to have some form of tear during a vaginal birth. A tear...

التخطيط لإنجاب طفل

If you’re planning to have a baby, it’s important to see your GP for a pre-conception visit...

تخطيط ما قبل الحمل للسيدات المصابات بالسكري

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are thinking about having a baby, pre-pregnancy...

الإنهاء الجراحي للحمل

Surgical termination of pregnancy is a safe day-surgery procedure. It can be performed anywhere between 7 to...

مرض الغدة الدرقية أثناء الحمل

Your thyroid gland is located in your neck, near the base of your throat. It makes hormones...

الإفرازات المهبلية غير الطبيعية

Vaginal discharge is a fluid that comes out of your vagina. It is normally clear or white....

آلام الحوض الحادة لدى النساء

Acute pelvic pain is soreness that’s felt in your lower stomach area. The pain may feel short,...

آلام الحوض الحادة لدى النساء

Acute pelvic pain is soreness that’s felt in your lower stomach area. The pain may feel short,...

المتدثرة (كلاميديا)‬‬‬

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection. It’s caused by bacteria. You get chlamydia by having unprotected...

تتبع العلاقات

You’ve just found out you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There’s a lot going through your...

التهاب البربخ والخصية

Epididymo-orchitis is the painful swelling of the testes and the tubes attached to each testicle. It is...

الثآليل التناسلية‬‬‬‬

Genital warts, or Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), is a sexually transmitted infection caused by strains of the...


Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. Common symptoms include genital discharge, pain when urinating...

العقبول (الهربس)

Herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. As many as one...

التعرض لفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية

People can become exposed to HIV in several ways. This may be from unprotected sex, sharing needles...

التعايش مع فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية

Living with HIV is the term used to describe people who are HIV-positive. Over the last three...

منع الإنجاب الدائم (التعقيم)

Permanent contraception stops a person from being able to reproduce. There is an option for people with...

الوقاية قبل التعرض لفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (PrEP)

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that greatly reduces the risk of getting HIV. PrEP is recommended...

فحص الصحة الجنسية

Sexual health screening is testing for one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You might need a...


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. It’s a bacterial infection that spreads by having unprotected sex or...

إفرازات مجرى البول عند الذكور

Urethral discharge is when fluid leaks from the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis....

حب الشباب

Acne is a condition causing spots and painful bumps on the skin, also known as pimples. Acne...

التهاب الهلل (التهاب النسيج الخلوي)

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection. The infected area may be swollen, red, hot and tender. Common...

مسامير اللحم والدُشبذات

Corns and calluses are patches of thick, hard skin. They usually form on feet and toes but...

٣٥٬٣ الإكزيما

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is dry and irritated skin. Eczema often appears on the face, neck,...

كسور اليد

A hand fracture is a break in a bone in the hand (metacarpal fracture) or fingers (phalanx...

الشرى (الأرتيكاريا)

Hives (urticaria) is a type of itchy skin rash. The raised bumps (wheals) appear when skin cells...

الورم الميلانيني

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer. Australia has the highest rate of melanoma in the...


Pruritus is the medical word for itchy skin. There are many reasons why your skin can itch....

داء الصدفية

Psoriasis is a type of skin condition that usually appears as an elevated round or oval patch...

الطفح الجلدي عند الأطفال

A rash is a change in colour and texture of the skin. They can feel hot, itchy,...

الأمراض الجلدية أثناء الحمل - الطفح الجلدي والحكة

During pregnancy, you may experience some changes to your skin. Sometimes, you can experience a rash or...

الأمراض المتعلقة بالبدانة

Obesity can affect a person’s overall health and wellbeing. People with a body mass index of more...

انقطاع النفس الانسدادي النومي

Obstructive sleep apnoea is when something partly or completely blocks the throat during sleep. This causes breathing...

النوم الصحي

Sleep hygiene means good sleep habits – the things you can do to give yourself the best...

بعد وفاة شخص عزيز عليك

After a loved one has died, your GP may sign a certificate that confirms the death. You...

الدم في البول (البيلة الدموية)

Haematuria is when there is blood in the urine. It can be: Visible: It is possible to...

ضربة الشمس

Heatstroke happens when your body gets too hot. It is more common in summer due to the...

التعامل مع الاحتضار

Managing the final stages of dying involves careful planning. It’s important the person’s wishes are respected. As...

الاستعداد لموجة الحر

A heatwave is when there are more than three days in a row with a temperature above...

فهم الاحتضار

What happens when a person is dying? It is very difficult to predict exactly what will happen. Some people deteriorate...

الخروج من المستشفى المستند إلى المعايير

Many people find hospital a worrying and confusing time. Not knowing when they will leave the hospital...

التمدد والكشط

A Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is an operation performed on women to scrape away the lining of...

استئصال المرارة بالمنظار

A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the removal of the gallbladder and gallstones by keyhole surgery. Sometimes, the surgeon...

الإنهاء الجراحي للحمل

Surgical termination of pregnancy is a safe day-surgery procedure. It can be performed anywhere between 7 to...

التمدد والكشط

A Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) is an operation performed on women to scrape away the lining of...

سرطان بطانة الرحم

Endometrial cancer is cancer that starts in the uterus. Most women who get this type of cancer...

العامل الخامس لايدن في الحمل

Factor V Leiden is a gene mutation. It can increase your chance of developing an abnormal blood...

وسائل منع الحمل طويلة المفعول

Long-acting contraceptives are birth-control devices that stay in your body for a long time (from one month...

الإنهاء الطبي للحمل

A medical termination uses medication to end a pregnancy. It is safe and effective for pregnancies up...

خيارات الرعاية الطبية في الحمل

In South Western Sydney, there are five main types of pregnancy care. You have a say in your pregnancy care...

تكيس المبيضين‬

Ovarian masses (cysts) are fluid-filled sacs that appear in the ovary. The most common types of cysts...

المرض الالتهابي الحوضي

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a bacterial infection of your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This infection may...

تخطيط ما قبل الحمل للسيدات المصابات بالسكري

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are thinking about having a baby, pre-pregnancy...

موانع الحمل قصيرة المفعول

Short-acting contraceptives prevent pregnancies but are either single use or only last for a short time. The...

الإنهاء الجراحي للحمل

Surgical termination of pregnancy is a safe day-surgery procedure. It can be performed anywhere between 7 to...

الحمل غير المقصود

An unintended pregnancy is a pregnancy that is not planned. A chance pregnancy brings up a lot...

الجروح التهتكية

A laceration is a deep cut to the skin or flesh. In some cases, your GP can...

تقرحات‬ الساق‬‬

A leg ulcer is a wound on the leg or ankle. The wound is usually caused by...

أستخدم محرك البحث إن لم تجد ما تحتاج إليه