دليل الموارد الصحية
العنف وسوء المعاملة
(5 items)التخطيط للسلامة في حالات العنف المنزلي
If you are at risk of domestic and family violence, you can take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones in case of an emergency. This is safety planning. This page includes information about how to safely leave a bad situation and supports for you and your loved ones.
أمراض الدم
(11 items)التخثر الوريدي العميق
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein, usually in the legs. It can cause pain and swelling and, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications such as a pulmonary embolism. This page has information about DVT and where you can get support.
Bone health
(2 items)No Results Found!
(19 items)اللوكيميا الحادّة
What is acute leukaemia? Acute leukaemia is a type of blood cancer. It happens when the body makes too many...
سرطان الدم الليمفاوي المزمن (CLL)
What is chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)? Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a type of blood cancer. It affects the white...
سرطان الرأس والرقبة
What is head and neck cancer? Head and neck cancer is a term for cancers that grow in the head...
سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية
Lymphoma is a type of blood cancer. At affects the lymphatic system. The two main types are Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This page includes information about lymphoma, including how your care may look and what supports you can access.
الورم الميلانيني
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. It develops in the skin cells and usually occurs on the parts of the body that have been overexposed to the sun. This page has information about melanoma and includes links to different supports for people who have this type of cancer.
Multidisciplinary teams in cancer care
When you have been diagnosed with cancer, you will be cared for by a whole team of...
الورم النقوي
What is myeloma? Myeloma is a type of blood cancer. It affects the plasma cells in the bone marrow. It...
سرطان المريء
What is oesophageal cancer? Oesophageal cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the cells that line the oesophagus....
Cancer screening
(3 items)الكشف عن سرطان الثدي
Screening for breast cancer is your best chance for detecting breast cancer early. It involves having a screening two years from the age of 50 (or earlier if your GP advises it). This page includes information about what may happen during a breast screen and lists supports.
Cervical cancer screening
The cervical screening test is a simple test done every 5 years to check for human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a common infection that can lead to cervical cancer. This page includes information about cervical cancer screening and links to supports.
الصحة العقلية للطفل
(10 items)صحة الطفل البدنية
(26 items)قصر القامة لدى الأطفال
What is short stature in children? Short stature in children means a child is shorter than most other children of...
داء السكري
(15 items)الحمية ونمط المعيشة
(8 items)Vitamin D deficiency in children
What is vitamin D deficiency in children? Vitamin D deficiency is common. If your child has a vitamin D deficiency...
End of life health and supports
(9 items)التخطيط المسبق للرعاية
Advance care planning involves making decisions about the care you would want to receive if you become unable to speak for yourself. It is an important step at any age to ensure your wishes are respected. This page includes information about planning the care you want.
المرحلة النهائية لمرض الجهاز التنفسي
End-stage respiratory disease happens when lung disease progresses to its final stages. Managing symptoms and providing appropriate care can help improve the quality of life for patients. This page includes information about managing this disease and getting support.
الموت الطوعي بمساعدة طبية في نيو ساوث ويلز
Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) allows a person to request medical assistance to end their life. It is a legal option in NSW under certain circumstances, providing patients with a choice in their end-of-life care. This page has information about VAD and where to get support.
Health services and resources
(8 items)No Results Found!
Heart health
(6 items)Measuring your blood pressure
What is measuring your blood pressure? Measuring your blood pressure at home is an easy way to help your GP...
Rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is caused by damage to the heart valves from acute rheumatic fever. It can lead to heart failure and other complications if not treated. Learn more about your diagnosis and how to manage your symptoms on this page.
الأمراض المعدية
(8 items)Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is a type of virus. It was first detected in 2019. It is infectious and can...
How to manage COVID-19 at home
Can I manage my COVID-19 at home? Most people can safely manage COVID-19 at home. This means if you get...
(12 items)الحروق
What is a burn? A burn occurs when skin is injured by heat. Common causes of burns include hot or...
إصابات القدم وأصابعها
What are foot and toe injuries? There are many types of foot and toe injuries. These include: Fractures: A break...
خلع الكتف وعدم استقراره
What is shoulder dislocation and instability? A shoulder dislocation is when the upper arm bone comes out of the shoulder...
أمراض الرئة
(11 items)المرحلة النهائية لمرض الجهاز التنفسي
End-stage respiratory disease happens when lung disease progresses to its final stages. Managing symptoms and providing appropriate care can help improve the quality of life for patients. This page includes information about managing this disease and getting support.
خطة التصرف عند إنقطاع الأنفاس
The Shortness of Breath Action Plan shows different ways to manage your breathlessness. It is completed with...
صحة كبار السن
(2 items)No Results Found!
(10 items)ألم القدم
What is foot pain? Foot pain can happen in any part of the foot. It can affect the toes, midfoot,...
الإصبع الزنادي
What is trigger finger? Trigger finger happens when your finger is hard to straighten after bending. You might notice a...
(31 items)العمليات
(9 items)فحص القولون بالمنظار
A colonoscopy uses a long, snake like tube with a light and camera to look inside the...
الخروج من المستشفى المستند إلى المعايير
Many people find hospital a worrying and confusing time. Not knowing when they will leave the hospital...
استئصال المرارة بالمنظار
A laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the removal of the gallbladder and gallstones by keyhole surgery. Sometimes, the surgeon...
التعافي من عملية جراحية بالمنظار
What is keyhole surgery? Laparoscopic, or keyhole surgery, involves 3-4 small incisions (cuts) up to 1cm long in the abdomen...
الصحة الجنسية
(19 items)Skin health
(11 items)الثآليل والثآليل الأخمصية
What are warts/verrucas? Warts and plantar warts (verrucas) are small, hard lumps on the skin. They are caused by a...
دعم الصحة
(25 items)Acute rheumatic fever
Acute rheumatic fever is a disease that can develop after an infection such as strep throat or scarlet fever. It can cause significant damage to the heart and other organs. This page has information about managing your disease and where to find support.
العناية بجبيرتك
How do I look after my cast? It is important to let the case fully dry. Arm plaster casts can...
تمارين للذراع واليد المجبّرة
Why is this important? Your wrist has been put in a cast to stop it from moving so the bones...
(25 items)Biliary scan
What is a biliary scan? A Biliary scan is a test to detect certain diseases of the gall bladder. It...
Bone scan
What is a bone scan? A bone scan is useful in diagnosing and assessing a wide range of bone and...
Colon transit scan
A Colon Transit scan is a test to examine if there is a problem with the movement...
Gallium scan
A Gallium Scan is a test that is used to detect a number of diseases including infections,...
Gastric emptying scan
A Gastric Emptying Scan is a test to examine if there is a problem with the movement...
Gated heart pool scan
A gated heart pool scan looks at how well the heart is pumping. It may be performed...
تصوير الكبد والطحال بالنظائر المشعة
A Liver-Spleen scan is a test to examine the liver and/or the spleen for abnormalities. This test...
Lung (V/Q) scan
A lung (V/Q) scan is also known as a lung ventilation and perfusion scan. This test is...
MIBG scan
An MIBG Scan is a test that is used to detect various tumours of the neuro-endocrine system....
التصوير الومضائي لمستقبلات السوماتوستاتين
An Octreotide scan is a test that is used to detect various tumours of the neuro-endocrine system....
تصوير الغدة الجار درقية
A Parathyroid scan is a test to identify and localise overactive parathyroid gland(s). What do I...
Positron emission tomography scan
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) detects and measures glucose metabolism within the body. PET scans can diagnose certain...
Radioiodine total body search
A Radioiodine Total Body Search detects the presence of residual thyroid tissue or cancer spread in patients...
تصوير الكبد بكرويات الدم الحمراء
Liver masses are often found by other tests such as ultrasound or CT scans. An RBC Liver...
Renal cortex scan
A renal cortex scan is also known as a DSMA renal scan. The scan examines the functioning...
Renal scan
A renal scan looks at kidney blood flow and function. It can give information that cannot be...
فحص العقدة الليمفاوية الخافرة
What is a sentinel lymph node? Lymph is fluid that escapes from blood vessels into the tissues. It travels in...
تصوير الغدة الدرقية
A thyroid scan shows the function and structure of the thyroid gland. It can give information not...
الموجات فوق الصوتية
An ultrasound scan creates a real-time picture of the inside of the body using sound waves. Ultrasound...
فحص خلايا الدم البيضاء
A white blood cell scan is a test used to detect areas of infection in the body...
(2 items)جبيرة الإصبع
A mallet splint is designed to keep your finger tip in an over-extended position to allow the...