How can I inject drugs safely?
People who inject drugs can place themselves at risk of HIV, hepatitis C and other blood borne viruses. Safe injecting practices can protect against infection. You should practice the following:
Use a sterile needle and syringe (fit) for every injection. If you are unable to access a clean needle, you can get safe injecting equipment through the برنامج نيوساوث ويلز للإبر والمحاقن or follow this Guide to Cleaning Used Syringes.
Always remember to use:
- New, sterile water
- New swabs (one for the spoon, one for the injecting site)
- Clean tourniquet
- New filter
- Clean spoon
Creating a clean environment
- Choose a safe environment to inject – Private, clean well-lit and with running water, if possible
- امسح جميع الأسطح المستخدمة لإعداد المخدر
- اغسل يديك قبل الحقن وبعده ويفضل بالماء والصابون
- Avoid all contact with anyone else’s blood, including blood you can’t see – Don’t help someone else to inject
- Get rid of needles and syringes in a sharps bin of fit pack immediately after use
- Use liquid bleach or another disinfectant to clean blood spills, contaminated surfaces, and equipment
- Be aware of how you can manage a needlestick injury if it happens
- قم بإجراء فحوصات منتظمة للفيروسات المنقولة بالدم
ما الذي يجب عليَّ تجنُّبه؟
You should always avoid sharing equipment when preparing or injecting drugs, this includes:
- Needles and syringes
- Water
- Swabs
- Tourniquet
- Filter
- Spoon
Always remember to get rid of your equipment safely.
استخدام نفس الإبرة
تتلف الإبر بعد كل استخدام
Needles become damaged after each use, always make sure you use a new needle to take care of your veins.
إبرة جديدة
بعد 6 استعمالات
تنسيقات المحتوى الأخرى والمشاركة والطباعة
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هام: هذه المعلومات مخصصة لأشخاص حصلوا على تشخيص من طبيبهم. وهي غير مصممة للاستخدام كتشخيص لحالة مرضية أو كبديل للرعاية الطبية المستمرة.
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Drugs and alcohol
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