
Liver masses are often found by other tests such as ultrasound or CT scans. An RBC Liver scan is a test to determine if the abnormal masses are benign and made up of malformed blood vessels called haemangiomas.



Make sure you remember to bring any previous films or reports to the appointment. Wear warm comfortable clothing. You will also need to:

  • 药物 - take your medications as normal
  • Advise of pregnancy or breastfeeding - let the service know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding



A small sample of your blood is taken and mixed with a radioactive tracer. This is called ‘labelling’ the blood and takes about 30 minutes. You will then be asked to lie on a scanning table and the labelled blood will be injected back into one of your veins. Pictures of your liver will be taken using a special camera for about 30 minutes.

Once the imaging is finished, you can leave for a few hours. More pictures need to be taken three hours after the first. The next round of imaging will be like the first and take about 30 minutes. You will need to lie very still and breathe normally.



There are no after-effects from having an RBC liver scan. Once it is finished, you can go home. You are able to drive immediately after the test. Your results will be sent to your GP or specialist.