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Female genital mutilation

What is it? Female genital mutilation, or cutting, is any procedure that involves partial or total removal of, or injury...

إساءة معاملة كبار السن

What is it? Elder abuse is defined by the World Health Organization as “a single or repeated act, or lack...

الاعتداء الجنسي

What is it? Sexual assault as any type of sexual behaviour that makes someone feel uncomfortable, frightened, intimidated or threatened....

العنف والتعسف المنزلي والأسري

What is it? Domestic and family abuse and violence comes in many forms. This type of violence doesn’t discriminate and...

التخطيط للسلامة في حالات العنف المنزلي

What is it? You may need a safety plan if you feel you are at risk of domestic and family...

البحث عن موضوع آخر

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