This page lists resources on many health conditions with translations for non-English speakers. Scroll down to find information from children's health to palliative care relevant to the South Western Sydney community.
Các dịch vụ
Dịch Vụ Truyền Thông Sức Khỏe Đa Văn Hóa NSW
NSW Multicultural Health Services Directory
South Western Sydney LHD Health Language Services
Aged and Disability Services
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
Aged and disability support with a residential care focus.
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association of NSW
The peak organization aiming to protect the rights of people from non-english speaking backgrounds as well as their families and carers.
Multicultural HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Service.
Gambling, Drugs, and Alcohol
Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre Directory
A listing of bilingual drug and alcohol workers and material.
Multicultural Problem Gambling Service
Phone and face-to-face support for problem gamblers and their families.
Sức Khỏe Tâm Thần
Transcultural Mental Health Centre
Free mental health consultation and assessment for all age groups.
Direct clinical consultation and assessment line
Trung Tâm Tài nguyên Di Dân
Not-for-profit centres providing assistance and advice to newly arrived immigrants and refugees.
Metro Assist (Bankstown)
Fairfield Migrant Resource Centre (Cabramatta)
Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre
Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative (Campbelltown)
Sức Khỏe Phụ Nữ
Female Genital Mutilation
For women, girls and their families at risk of the practice, as well as education of community and healthcare workers.
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
Includes an online collection of 5000 resources in 40 languages.
Những nguồn tài liệu
These translated resources should not replace an interpreter.
Sốc phản vệ
Fact Sheet for Parents of Children at Risk of Anaphylaxis in New South Wales
First Aid Treatment for Anaphylaxis
How to Give Epipen
Asthma Action Plans and Brochures
Children's Health Fact Sheets
Children's Oral Health
Bệnh Tiểu Đường
Men’s Health
Sức Khỏe Tâm Thần
Including the Kessler 10 (K10) Questionnaire and other mental translated resources
Chăm sóc giảm nhẹ
Safe Use of Medicines
(NPS MedicineWise)
General Health
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service:
Resources by topic
Resources by language