What is hypertension?

Hypertension is the medical name for high blood pressure. High blood pressure means your blood is pumping with more force than normal through your arteries.


When your GP tells you that you have hypertension, they will want to know more about your health and habits. To do this, your GP may:
  • 测量你的体重并询问你的饮食情况
  • 询问你的生活方式
  • 建议改变你的生活方式
  • 开药 ,如果 降低血压
  • 进行血液和尿液检查,以检查是否有其他问题, 例如高胆固醇 或肾脏问题
  • 转诊去 看专科医生 ,如果需要的话


People with high-blood pressure often need to be monitored and treated for the rest of their lives. Your GP may want to see you regularly for check-ups. At your check-up visits your GP may:
  • 检查血压
  • Adjust medication if needed
  • 查看你的生活方式改变情况
  • 每年进行一次肾脏健康检查
  • Refer you to a specialist if your blood pressure is not controlled or there are other complications


See your GP regularly for check-ups. It is also important to stay active when you have high blood pressure. Your GP may recommend certain types of regular activity to suit your lifestyle. You should also:

  • Always follow any dietary changes recommended by your GP - Ask your GP about the DASH diet
  • Take your medication as prescribed
  • 如果家庭医生建议,在家中测量并记录血压
  • Quit smoking if you still smoke - Phone Quitline on 13 78 48 to help