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الآثار السلبية بعد التحصين

  Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFIs) is the term used to describe certain medical issues that people may...

لقاح السل

The BCG vaccine is the vaccine for tuberculosis, also known as TB. Tuberculosis is a serious bacterial...


Immunisation is the process of getting a vaccine against a serious disease. Vaccines work by producing an...

التطعيم والحمل

Getting certain vaccines before, during and after pregnancy protects you and your baby. Vaccines for pregnant women...

لقاح الإنفلونزا

The influenza (flu) vaccine protects against the flu. The vaccine helps reduce the risk of getting sick...

تلقي اللقاح لأغراض السفر

Travel vaccinations are vaccines that protect against the serious diseases you may encounter when travelling overseas. Overseas...

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