What is it?

Anaemia is when your body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. This reduces the oxygen flow in the body. One of the most common symptoms of anaemia is fatigue. Anaemia can also cause shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness and a racing heartbeat.

Anaemia can occur when your body:


  • Doesn’t create enough red blood cells - this is called iron deficiency anaemia
  • Loses a lot of blood - such as from heavy periods or bleeding from the stomach or bowel
  • Your body destroys its red blood cells - this is caused by genetic conditions and automimmune conditions


Your treatment will depend on what is causing your anaemia. Treatment can be simple, like taking an iron tablet. But, some people might need a more detailed treatment plan.


What will my GP do now?

Your GP may take tests to find the reason why you have anaemia. Your GP will talk to you about your medical history, medications, diet, stomach symptoms and your period patterns if you are female.

Your GP may also take blood and urine tests. Based on the tests and information you tell your GP, they may recommend a treatment plan or refer you to a specialist.

Your GP will continue to track your condition with regular blood tests. Your treatment depends on the cause of your anaemia. It may be short term (three to six months) or lifelong. If your anaemia doesn’t improve with treatment, your GP may refer you to a blood specialist (haematologist).


What can I do?

Follow your treatment plan. Tell your GP if you notice any new symptoms or begin to feel unwell.