What is methamphetamine?

Methamphetamine is an illegal stimulant which is often called ‘crystal meth’ or ‘ice’. Methamphetamine gives you a short ‘high’ followed by an intense ‘low’ and can be very addictive.

People who use ice for a long time are at risk of serious health problems. Ice can also affect your work, family, relationships and health. If you feel that methamphetamines are a problem for you, there is help.


What will my GP do now if I want to stop using methamphetamine?

Your GP will help you develop a treatment plan to stop using methamphetamine and improve your quality of life.

Your GP will also:

  • Manage your overall health and any existing conditions
  • Provide referral information for drug treatment or counselling
  • Talk to you about your mental health and refer you for counselling if appropriate

Your GP may also talk to you about things you can do to reduce the risk of harm if you are still using. This includes the REST principle.


What will my GP do in the future to help me stop using methamphetamine?

Your GP will arrange regular follow-up appointments to check in and review your treatment plan. If you are struggling to stop, your GP may discuss referrals to other treatment options.


What can I do to stop taking methamphetamine?

It’s important to be open and honest with your GP. Don’t feel bad if you are finding it hard to stop taking ice. Most people who use ice find it hard to stop, but with time you can get better. Ask your GP for resources and information about the risks.