What is being transgender?

When you’re born, you are given a gender based on what you look like. This is written on your birth certificate. Some people grow up feeling like the gender they are given doesn’t match who they truly are on the inside. This is called transgender (or 'trans').
Some children experiment with gender roles and rules as they grow. This is common and does not always mean the child is transgender. Your child may be more aware of their gender identity as they get older. Management is according to whether the young person has entered puberty.
Many trans people have poor mental health. In children, this is often in the form of anxiety, or challenging behaviours. For young people, this can be depression, anxiety, disordered eating, self-harm or suicide attempts. It is good to support your child if they are distressed.
A GP will support your child. They may refer your child to a paediatric gender service for more support.