What is medication for acute pain?
疼痛有两种主要类型: 急性 和 慢性。. Acute pain starts suddenly and is usually short-lived. It can range from mild to severe and can have many different causes. Acute pain does not mean the pain is necessarily severe. It means it is short-lived (lasting for a few moments, days or weeks). This type of pain is warning you that your body is injured in some way.
What will my GP do now for my acute pain?
Your GP will tell you to slowly reduce or stop your medicine once your pain starts improving or resolves. If your acute pain has not improved, your doctor may suggest changing medication or dosage.
- 讨论慢性疼痛的不同疼痛管理方案
- 解释某些药物如何适用于急性疼痛,但对慢性疼痛并不安全有效
- 如果疼痛治疗不起作用,将你转介到专科诊所
What can I do for my acute pain?
- 不要增加药物的剂量,除非有医疗专业人员的指示
- 如果你怀孕了,请告诉你的医生——某些止痛药可能会传给宝宝并可能造成损害
- 不要在没有咨询医生或药剂师的情况下服用任何额外的非处方药
- 不要服用超过医生建议的时间,因为如果服用时间过长,一些止痛药可能是有害的