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الكوكايين وعقار النشوة (إكستاسي) والعقاقير الأخرى

What is it? Cocaine and ecstasy are two commonly used illegal drugs. These drugs are damaging to your health and...


What is it? Alcohol is a legal drug in Australia for people over the age of 18. However, alcohol use...

المواد أفيونية المفعول

What is it? There are many types of opioids, including prescription opioids such as morphine and illegal opioids such as...


What is it? Methamphetamine is an illegal stimulant which is often called ‘crystal meth’ or ‘ice’. Methamphetamine gives you a...


What is it? Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It is used in three main forms:...

ممارسات الحقن الآمن

What should I do? People who inject drugs can place themselves at risk of HIV, hepatitis C and other blood...

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