What is it?

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are thinking about having a baby, pre-pregnancy planning is vital.

For women with diabetes, pre-pregnancy planning can reduce the risk of miscarriage and other health risks.

If you don’t want to become pregnant, pre-pregnancy planning involves making sure you have suitable contraception in place. If you are planning to become pregnant, or are happy to become pregnant one day, speak to your GP about how you can prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

Many pregnancies among women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are not planned. Research has shown pre-pregnancy planning reduces risks for women with diabetes.


What will my GP do now?


If you don’t want to become pregnant, your GP will:

  • Give you options for contraception, including emergency and long-acting options
  • Talk to you about what to do if you do decide to become pregnant one day.


If you do want to or are happy to become pregnant, your GP will:

  • Talk to you about the importance of glycaemic control in pregnancy
  • Assess your medication and safety
  • Arrange pre-pregnancy blood and urine tests
  • Talk to you about your pregnancy care options
  • Prescribe a folate supplement
  • Ensure you optimise glycaemic control for at least 3 months before you fall pregnant
  • Talk to you about your diet and suggest a dietitian review
  • Test for any diabetes complications
  • Refer you to a local pre-pregnancy planning clinic


If you are already pregnant

Pregnancies in women with diabetes are high risk. It’s important for your pregnancy to be managed in a specialist diabetes pregnancy clinic. Talk to your GP about a referral.


What will my GP do in the future?

Your GP will see you for regular check-ups to give you test results and continue to monitor your health should you fall pregnant. If you do fall pregnant, your GP will refer you to a specialist diabetes pregnancy clinic.


What can I do?

Talk to your GP and make sure you understand how to prevent pregnancy or prepare for a healthy pregnancy.

Follow up with your GP about the results of any tests. Make sure you know who to call if you have a question or if you do get pregnant.