

What is diabetes during pregnancy?

If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are pregnant, you need special care. Without the right care, there may be long-term negative effects for you and your baby. Having uncontrolled diabetes during pregnancy can increase the chance your baby does not develop properly. It also can increase the risk of loss or stillbirth.

It is important to plan for a healthy pregnancy. It is a good idea to visit your GP and diabetes care team three-to-six months before you start trying to conceive. This will give you the best chance of having a healthy pregnancy and birth. You can learn more about pre-planning for pregnancy as a diabetic here.

What will my GP do now if I have diabetes during my pregnancy?

Your diabetes care team will let you know how to manage your diabetes better and give you advice about diabetes and pregnancy.

If you are already pregnant, your GP may refer you to a local Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinic. You may also be referred to a specialist called an endocrinologist, a diabetes educator, and a dietician.

What will my GP do in the future if I have diabetes during my pregnancy?

Your GP and diabetes care team will continue to see you through your pregnancy. You may have regular blood sugar monitoring, tests, scans and ultrasounds.

After your baby is born, you will need to see your GP regularly to talk about yours and your baby’s health and wellbeing. You may need to take new medicines and be monitored closely.

Are you pregnant?

If you are pregnant and have diabetes, please go to your nearest Diabetes in Pregnancy Clinic.

These clinics are located at Bankstown-Lidcombe, Campbelltown and Liverpool Hospitals.

You will need a referral from your GP.

What can I do if I have diabetes and am pregnant?

Keep a diary of your symptoms. This is so you can let your diabetes care team know if there are any changes to your condition before or during pregnancy.

It is very important to manage your blood sugar levels. Healthy blood sugar levels lowers the risk of having a problem during your pregnancy. Everyone is different and you should talk to your GP about your blood sugar levels. A guide to the right levels during pregnancy is:

  • Fasting – Between 4 and 5.5mmol/L
  • Two hours after eating – Less than 7mmol/L

Have a healthy diet and keep active. Make time to relax, focus on getting enough sleep. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.

If you become sick during your pregnancy, you should talk to your GP. Check your blood sugar levels every two hours. See your GP if your levels do not improve after two hours.

If you are seeing an endocrinologist, you should continue to see them regularly.



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  • SWSLHD妊娠糖尿病服务


  • 变得健康服务


  • 私人专家

    There are many private endocrinologists, obstetrician, dieticians and diabetes educators available in South Western Sydney. Talk to your GP about getting a referral to a private specialist close to you.


  • 怀孕、分娩和胎儿

    Pre-existing diabetes and pregnancy

  • 澳大利亚糖尿病协会

    Pregnancy when you have diabetes

  • 国家糖尿病服务计划(NDSS)


重要须知: 本信息供获得医生诊断的人浏览。本信息不旨在用于诊断疾病或替代持续的医疗护理。



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