What is permanent contraception?
输卵管结扎术(适用于有子宫的人): 输卵管结扎术可阻止卵子到达子宫。手术后仍然会每个月释放一枚卵子,但卵子会被身体吸收。你仍然会有月经,且性功能不应该会发生改变。这种手术包括通过切割和绑扎来封闭连接卵巢和子宫的管道。
输精管结扎术(适用于有阴茎的人): 输精管结扎术可防止精子到达睾丸。精子将被身体吸收。由于精液中没有精子,卵子就不能受精。你的性功能和射精不会改变。该手术包括通过切割和封闭来关闭输送精子的管道。
Your GP will discuss how the surgery works, the side effects and if it is reversible. They may also discuss other forms of contraception with you. If you are sure you want permanent contraception, your GP will provide a referral to a specialist who will do the surgery.