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Permanent contraception (Steralisation)

What is permanent contraception?

Permanent contraception stops a person from being able to reproduce. There is an option for people with a uterus and for people with a penis. Both options work more than 99% of the time and involve a short hospital stay.

Tubal ligation (for people with a uterus): A tubal ligation stops the egg from reaching the uterus. You will still release an egg each month, but the egg is absorbed into your body. You will still have your period and your sexual function should not change. This surgery involves closing the tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus by cutting and tying.

Vasectomy (for people with a penis): A vasectomy prevents sperm from reaching the testes. The sperm will be absorbed into your body. With no sperm in the semen, an egg cannot be fertilised. Your sexual function and ejaculation will not change. This surgery involves closing the tubes that carry the sperm by cutting and sealing.

What will my GP do now?

Your GP will discuss how the surgery works, the side effects and if it is reversible. They may also discuss other forms of contraception with you. If you are sure you want permanent contraception, your GP will provide a referral to a specialist who will do the surgery.

What questions could I ask my doctor?

  • Is this surgery right for me?
  • What are the risks?
  • Can this be reversed?

What can I do?

Permanent contraception is a lifelong decision. Before having this type of surgery, you should be certain you do not want to have any children in the future. Follow the advice of your GP or surgeon. You can usually go back to work within a few days after your procedure.

Remember permanent contraception does not protect you from getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Always use protection with new partners. Continue to screen for STIs.


What supports are available?

  • Public gynaecology clinics (for people with a uterus)
    • Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital Gynaecology Clinic
    • Bowral and District Hospital Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic
    • Campbelltown Hospital Gynaecology Clinic
    • Fairfield Hospital Gynaecology Clinic
    • Liverpool Hospital Gynaecology Consulting Clinic
  • Public vasectomy clinics (for people with a penis)

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