What is it?

There are many things which can cause foot or toe pain and injury. Most foot and toe injuries can be easily avoided and simply treated.
Fractures are a common type of foot and toe injury. Types of fractures :
  • Talus and calcaneal fractures: Caused by falling onto the foot or heel, ankle twisting or trauma
  • Navicular fractures: This is close to the ankle bone on the big toe side of your foot. This type of fracture is common in athletes.
  • Metatarsal fractures: Caused by trauma to the foot, like something heavy landing on it. A fall or being stepped on can also cause this.
  • Lisfranc injury: This is when bones in the middle of the foot break or the ligaments which support them are torn.
  • Toe fracturesThis is a common type of fracture. It often occurs during sport or exercise.
Your treatment will depend on the type of injury you have. You can treat a mild fracture with rest, ice, compression and elevation. Serious injuries may need scans or surgery. Your GP will review your foot or toe and decide a plan for your treatment.