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Tiết dịch âm đạo bất thường

Vaginal discharge is a fluid that comes out of your vagina. It is normally clear or white....

Đau vùng chậu cấp tính ở phụ nữ

Acute pelvic pain is soreness that’s felt in your lower stomach area. The pain may feel short,...

Đau vùng chậu cấp tính ở phụ nữ

Acute pelvic pain is soreness that’s felt in your lower stomach area. The pain may feel short,...

Bệnh Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection. It’s caused by bacteria. You get chlamydia by having unprotected...

Truy dấu bạn tình

You’ve just found out you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). There’s a lot going through your...

Viêm tinh hoàn

Epididymo-orchitis is the painful swelling of the testes and the tubes attached to each testicle. It is...

Vết Loét Ở Bộ Phận Sinh Dục

Genital ulcers are small sores on your penis, vagina or anus. They can be caused by infections...

Mụn cóc sinh dục

Genital warts, or Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), is a sexually transmitted infection caused by strains of the...

Bệnh Lậu

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. Common symptoms include genital discharge, pain when urinating...

Bệnh Mụn Rộp

Herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. As many as one...

Phơi nhiễm HIV

People can become exposed to HIV in several ways. This may be from unprotected sex, sharing needles...

Sống chung với HIV

Living with HIV is the term used to describe people who are HIV-positive. Over the last three...

Tránh Thai Vĩnh Viễn (Triệt Sản)

Permanent contraception stops a person from being able to reproduce. There is an option for people with...

Thuốc Dự Phòng Trước Phơi Nhiễm để Phòng Ngừa HIV (PrEP)

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that greatly reduces the risk of getting HIV. PrEP is recommended...

Kiểm tra tìm bệnh tình dục

Sexual health screening is testing for one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You might need a...

Bệnh Giang Mai

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection. It’s a bacterial infection that spreads by having unprotected sex or...

Bệnh Nấm (nấm candida ở âm đạo)

Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection in the vagina. It is caused by a growth of candida...

Tiết dịch niệu đạo ở nam giới

Urethral discharge is when fluid leaks from the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis....

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