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حب الشباب

Acne is a condition causing spots and painful bumps on the skin, also known as pimples. Acne...

التهاب الهلل (التهاب النسيج الخلوي)

Cellulitis is a bacterial skin infection. The infected area may be swollen, red, hot and tender. Common...

مسامير اللحم والدُشبذات

Corns and calluses are patches of thick, hard skin. They usually form on feet and toes but...

٣٥٬٣ الإكزيما

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is dry and irritated skin. Eczema often appears on the face, neck,...

كسور اليد

A hand fracture is a break in a bone in the hand (metacarpal fracture) or fingers (phalanx...

الشرى (الأرتيكاريا)

Hives (urticaria) is a type of itchy skin rash. The raised bumps (wheals) appear when skin cells...

الورم الميلانيني

Melanoma is a serious form of skin cancer. Australia has the highest rate of melanoma in the...


Pruritus is the medical word for itchy skin. There are many reasons why your skin can itch....

داء الصدفية

Psoriasis is a type of skin condition that usually appears as an elevated round or oval patch...

الطفح الجلدي عند الأطفال

A rash is a change in colour and texture of the skin. They can feel hot, itchy,...


Scabies is a skin problem. It is caused by tiny mites. They burrow into the skin and...

الأمراض الجلدية أثناء الحمل - الطفح الجلدي والحكة

During pregnancy, you may experience some changes to your skin. Sometimes, you can experience a rash or...

الثآليل والثآليل الأخمصية

Warts and verrucas are small, hard lumps on the skin. They are caused by different strains of...

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