Scroll down for recommended resources to guide you towards eating a healthier diet.
Australian Department of Health:
Healthy Weight Guide
Helps people achieve and maintain a healthy weight with information and tools to set goals, plan meals and physical activity, monitor progress, manage challenges, and find support.
Healthy Eating for Adults
The Australian Dietary Guidelines provide up-to-date advice about the amount and kinds of foods needed for health and wellbeing.
Advice about the amount and kinds of foods to eat for health and wellbeing
Go For 2 & 5
The benefits of fruit and veggies, and some simple tasty recipes
Nutrition Australia
Resources and Fact Sheets
Adding Life to Your Years: The Cookbook
Provides information on achieving a healthy diet using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, and updated information on labelling, physical activity, and alcohol consumption. (66 pages)
حكومة كوينزلاند
Healthier Happier: healthy recipe collections
وزارة الصحة في كوينزلاند
Healthy Eating Out, Takeaway & Convenience Meals
Quick Tips for a High Protein High Energy Diet
Healthy Lifestyle
HealthPathways – Physical Activity
حكومة كوينزلاند
Staying Healthy
Diet and nutrition, fitness and exercise, alcohol, smoking and drugs, men’s and women’s health, sexual health, environmental, sun and food safety, community programs, workplace health
Healthier Happier
Helping to make Queensland the healthiest state by asking people to think about how small changes can help them be that little bit healthier
Healthy Weight Guide
An initiative to help Australians reduce their waist measurements and improve their overall health and wellbeing
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healthy Lifestyle
Deadly Choices – Deadly Facts
A campaign to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to make healthy choices for themselves and their families
Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA)
What Does a Food Label Tell Us?: provides nutrition information, tips and recipes, to help people eat well.
Move It Mob Style – Dance Videos
A 20 episode x 30 minute dance-based fitness program showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander hip hop and popular music
Aged Care Nutrition
Aged Care Nutrition Services – Resources
A comprehensive range of nutrition services
Nutrition Australia – Adding Life to Your Years
The Cookbook (66 pages) provides information on achieving a healthy diet using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, and updated information on labelling, physical activity, and alcohol consumption.
Healthy Children
Healthy Kids Association – Food and Nutrition
Information on nutrients, drinks, the 5 food groups, guidelines, advice and more
Kids Health
Kids and Exercise
Helpful tips on exercise
Raising Children – Healthy Eating Articles
Research-based articles for parents of newborns to teens.