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Anxiety is when you feel anxious or stressed without a clear reason. It is the most common mental health issue in Australia. One in four people will have anxiety at some stage in their life. Sometimes it can stop you from doing your normal daily tasks. It is common for people with anxiety to also have depression.
Types of anxiety include:
Phobias - When you feel very scared about an object or situation
Panic disorder - When you often get a sudden sense of overwhelming panic and fear
Generalised anxiety disorder - When you feel anxious on most days
Social anxiety disorder - When you have an intense fear of being criticised, embarrassed or humiliated

Need help now?

If you feel like life is not worth living, call any of these services:

Lifeline: 13 11 14

NSW Mental Health Line: 1800 011 51

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467

What will my GP do now for my anxiety?

Your GP will ask you about your medical history. Your GP will also ask you about what triggers your anxiety. Your answers will help your GP to create a mental health treatment plan. This plan will help you to set goals and guide you through your treatment. Your GP will support you to get help in an open and non-judgmental way.
  • There are a number of treatment options for anxiety, these can include:
  • Learning breath and mindfulness techniques to help you relax
  • Lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, sleep, drinking or drug use
  • Seeing a mental health specialist called a psychiatrist or psychologist
  • Taking medication to decrease symptoms of anxiety


What will my GP do in the future for my anxiety?

Your GP may want to see you regularly until you start feeling better. If your GP prescribed medication, they may ask you to come back to check how it is helping. Your GP may start you on a lower dose and increase it during this time to help you adjust. If you are not feeling better, your GP may refer you to counselling or a psychiatrist.

When should I call an ambulance?

If your life is in danger, call triple zero (000) immediately.

What questions could I ask my doctor?

  • Are there medications to help me feel better?
  • What are the side effects of medications?
  • Who can I talk to when I have severe anxiety?
  • Will counselling help me?

What can I do?

There are many things you can do to help yourself during this time, like:
  • Eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep
  • Avoid using alcohol or other drugs
  • Keep a diary so you can track your thoughts and what treatments are working
  • Set reminders for upcoming appointments
  • Continue to be honest with yourself and open with your GP, even if things get worse


What supports are available?

  • Head To Health

    Head to Health offers a safe and welcoming place for people to access mental health information, services and supports from multidisciplinary care teams over extended hours. Anyone can reach out for support for themselves or a loved one. It is free and no appointment or referral is needed.

  • Headstart

    Web and mobile app providing mental health information specific to South Western Sydney, including resources and local service details.

  • NewAccess

    NewAccess mental health coaching is a guided 6-session self-help program.

  • SWSPHN Funded Primary Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Drug & Alcohol Services

    All services detailed in this directory are FREE for individuals accessing them.

    Talk to your GP about which service may be right for you.

  • Private specialist

    Your GP can refer you to a private specialist called a psychologist.

Where can I learn more?

  • Beyondblue – Staying Well: A Guide to Recovering from Anxiety and Depression
  • Black Dog Institute

    Mindfulness in everyday life

  • Centre for Clinical Interventions – Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • This Way Up

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