What is weight gain in children?

Weight management in children is about making long-term changes that support a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to slow weight gain and allow your child to grow into his or her weight.

A poor diet, lack of exercise, emotional issues, and even a lack of sleep can lead to weight issues in children. In rare cases, a hormonal issue can cause weight gain.

In Australia, nearly one in four children are overweight and three in 20 are obese. An obese child is more likely to stay this way as an adult. Being overweight or obese also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. That’s why it’s so important to help your child reach a healthy weight, starting now.

What will my GP do now if my child has gained weight?

Your GP will help you learn how to make healthy eating and exercise a priority. Weight management is a process your whole family must embrace. Your GP will also:

  • Give you any test results
  • Manage any weight-related health issues
  • Manage any medicines which may be having an effect on your child’s weight
  • Assess any emotional issues your child is facing
  • Talk to you about a specialist referral to a dietitian

What will my GP do in the future for my child?

Your GP will schedule appointments every 3-6 months to check your child’s weight and height. You will also talk about how you and your family are coping with your healthy lifestyle changes.

Continue to see your GP regularly. This will help you and your family stay motivated and on the path to better health.

What can I do if my child has gained weight?

Changing your habits is a gradual, long-term process that takes patience and effort. But even small changes make a huge difference over time. The home setting has a huge impact on your child’s health. Here’s how you and your family can help your child.

Healthy eating tips

  • Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Limit the amount of takeaway foods
  • Limit drinks with lots of sugar (soft drinks, energy drinks, flavoured milk)
  • Check portion sizes and don’t overfill plates
  • Limit snacks and grazing

Healthy lifestyle tips

  • Keep a food diary to share and discuss with your GP
  • Encourage your child to exercise or move around every day
  • Limit any long periods of sitting
  • Reduce screen time – including TV, computer games, phones and tablets
  • Remove TVs and screens from the bedroom