Child Physical Health
BCG vaccination
The BCG vaccine protects against tuberculosis (TB), a serious infection affecting the lungs and other parts of the body. It is an important vaccine to help prevent TB in children. This page has information about the vaccine and links to more supports.
Bedwetting (Enuresis)
What is bedwetting (enuresis)? Enuresis is involuntary bedwetting during sleep in a child under 5 years old. It is a...
Developmental milestones
GPs use milestones to track your child’s development. Milestones are the skills and tasks children can do...
Diabetes in children
Diabetes in children happens when blood glucose levels remain high. Understanding the symptoms and managing the condition through diet, exercise, and medication is vital for the child’s health. This page has more information and links to support.
Eczema in children
Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition causing dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Managing eczema in your child involves identifying triggers and using appropriate skincare. This page has information on eczema and how you can support your child.
Eye problems in children
What is an eye problem for a child? Eye problems are common in children. These problems can happen because of...
Headaches in children
What is a headache? Headaches are a common pain syndrome seen in children, along with recurrent abdominal and leg pains....
Heart murmur in children
What is a heart murmur? A heart murmur is when the blood flowing through the heart makes an extra noise....
Inguinal hernia (Lumps or swelling in children)
What is an inguinal hernia (lump or swelling in children)? An inguinal hernia is a lump that occurs in the...
Inhaled foreign object
What is an inhaled foreign object? It is very common for small children to put items in their mouths, and...
Misshapen or flat head (Plagiocephaly)
What is plagiocephaly (misshapen or flat head)? Plagiocephaly (misshapen or flat head) is when a baby has an uneven or...
Neck lumps in children
It is very common for children to develop lumps in their necks. The most common cause is...
Pain relief for children
Pain relief for children depends on their age and the cause of the pain. Understanding treatments and medications can help alleviate your child’s discomfort. This page has information about different types of treatment and where you can find support.
Penis and foreskin in children
The foreskin is the loose skin at the head of the penis. The foreskin usually won’t pull...
Persistent cough in children
A cough is a common symptom in children and can be caused by many things, including infections and allergies. Identifying the cause and having the right treatment is important. This page has information about a persistent cough and where to get support.
Physical activity in children
Regular physical activity is essential for your child’s health, growth, and development. Kids need to be active to build strong bones and muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and develop good habits to last a lifetime. This page includes information and links to relevant support.
Temper tantrums
What is a temper tantrum? Temper tantrums, also known as tantrums, are emotional outbursts. If your child is having a...
What is torticollis? Torticollis is a when the neck muscles spasm and the neck twists to the side. It is...
Undescended Testes
What are undescended testes? Undescended testes is when a testicle hasn’t moved into the bag of skin below the penis...