Women's Health
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
What is abnormal vaginal bleeding? Abnormal vaginal bleeding includes intermenstrual bleeding, postcoital bleeding, and postmenopausal bleeding. These are symptoms, not...
Không có kinh nguyệt (Vô kinh)
Periods happen as part of the natural menstrual cycle. They usually happen every month. It is normal...
Vú cương sữa
What is breast engorgement? Breast engorgement is swelling of the breast. It may happen when you start breastfeeding and can...
Đau vùng chậu mãn tính
What is chronic pelvic pain? Chronic pelvic pain is abdominal and/or pelvic pain that has lasted for at least 6...
Lạc nội mạc tử cung
What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is an inflammatory illness with lesions of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. It can cause pelvic...
Chảy nhiều máu trong kỳ kinh nguyệt
What is a heavy period? Heavy menstrual bleeding means a heavy period. This can affect a woman’s quality of life....
Viêm tuyến vú và áp xe vú
What is mastitis and breast abscess? Mastitis is swelling in the breast. Most times, it is caused by an infection....
What is menopause? Menopause is defined as not having a period for more than a year in a non-pregnant woman....
Đau núm vú (núm vú đau nhức hoặc bị tổn thương)
What is nipple pain (sore, tender or damaged nipples)? Nipple pain is common in the early days of breastfeeding. It...
Sa cơ quan vùng chậu
What is pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvic organ prolapse is when one or more pelvic organs bulge into the vagina. This...
Period pain (Dysmennorrhea)
What is period pain? Dysmenorrhoea means a painful period, or period pain. It is common but often under-diagnosed or treated....
Hội chứng Buồng trứng Đa nang (PCOS)
What is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ? Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder. It often affects young...
Postmenopausal bleeding
What is postmenopausal bleeding? Postmenopausal bleeding is any bleeding from the vagina that happens after menopause. Around one in ten...
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the physical and psychological symptoms that happen each menstrual cycle. They happen...
Bệnh Nấm (nấm candida ở âm đạo)
What is thrush (vulvovaginal candidiasis)? Vulvovaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection in the vagina. It is caused by a growth...
Dụng cụ đặt trong âm đạo
What is a vaginal pessary? A vaginal pessary is a removable device that is put into the vagina. It is...