Hỗ Trợ Sức Khỏe của Quý Vị
Sốt thấp khớp cấp tính
Acute rheumatic fever is a disease that can develop after an infection such as strep throat or scarlet fever. It can cause significant damage to the heart and other organs. This page has information about managing your disease and where to find support.
Chăm sóc chỗ bó bột
How do I look after my cast? It is important to let the case fully dry. Arm plaster casts can...
Thủy đậu và thai kỳ
What is chickenpox in pregnancy? Chickenpox is an infectious disease. It is very contagious and anyone of any age can...
Chấn động não
What is a concussion? A concussion is a type of mild traumatic brain injury. It happens when the head or...
Driving and vehicle assessment
If you have a medical condition that could affect your ability to drive safely, you will need...
Hoàn tiền cho chi phí năng lượng cho thiết bị y tế và hộ gia đình có thu nhập thấp
What is an energy rebate? A rebate is a small refund on the cost of an item or service. The...
Bài tập cho cánh tay và bàn tay bị bó bột
Why is this important? Your wrist has been put in a cast to stop it from moving so the bones...
Dị ứng và không dung nạp thực phẩm
What is a food allergy or food intolerance? A food allergy is when the immune system responds to an allergen (an...
Bệnh Cường Giáp
What is hyperthyroidism? Hyperthyroidism is due to an overactive thyroid. The thyroid is a gland in the neck. It makes...
Bệnh Suy Giáp
What is hypothyroidism? Hypothyroidism is when you have an underactive thyroid, causing it to produce lower than normal amounts of...
Tai nạn xe cơ giới
If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to get the support you need. This page contains information about the compulsory third party (CTP) Green Slip scheme.
Hiến tạng và mô
Organ and tissue donation is the process of donating your organs and tissues to people who are...
Hoạt động thể chất ở người trưởng thành
What is physical activity in adults? It is important to keep active as an adult. Being active reduces your risk...
Dùng Nhiều Thuốc
What is polypharmacy? Polypharmacy is when people are taking five or more medications each day. These can be prescribed, over...
Refugee health assessment for adults
It is important for new refugee migrants to Australia to have a refugee health assessment within the first year of living in Australia. This page has information about the assessment and where to get supports.
Refugee health assessment for children
It is important for new refugee migrants to Australia to have a refugee health assessment within the first year of living in Australia. This page has information about the assessment and where to get supports.
Quay trở lại làm việc
Returning to work after an illness or injury can be challenging, but your GP can help. Returning...
Cường giáp cận lâm sàng
Subclinical hyperthyroidism usually does not cause obvious symptoms but can impact overall health. You should talk to your GP about how you can manage your health. This page also has information about where to get support.
Hỗ trợ cho người chăm sóc
Caring for someone can be a challenging task. Many people provide informal support for friends or family...
Lời khuyên về sức khỏe khi đi du lịch
When you travel, it is important to think about your health. This is especially true if you...
Sức khỏe của quý vị trong thảm họa thiên nhiên
What is a natural disaster? A natural disaster is a severe weather event which can result in harm for humans,...
Hành trình chăm sóc sức khỏe của quý vị
Your healthcare journey Your healthcare journey will often start by seeing your GP (general practitioner or family doctor). A GP can...