فقر الدم أثناء الحمل
Anaemia means there is not enough red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen through the body. It is often caused by low iron levels and needs to be managed to ensure the health of both mother and baby. This page has information for pregnant women and supports.
Antenatal care
What is antenatal care? Antenatal care refers to the regular appointments and tests you have during your pregnancy. You’ll need...
الفحص السابق للولادة
What is antenatal screening? A fetal anomaly, sometimes called a birth defect, is when there is a change to part...
Asthma during pregnancy
What is asthma during pregnancy? If you have asthma and are pregnant, your asthma control can change. Some women have...
الولادة التالية للولادة القيصرية
What is a birth after caesarean section? For women who have had one or more caesarean sections in the past,...
النزيف في النصف الأخير من الحمل
What is bleeding in mid-late pregnancy? Mid-late pregnancy is any time from 20 weeks to full term. Bleeding can happen...
النزيف عند النساء ذوات عامل ريصي سالب
What is bleeding in rhesus negative women? The four major blood types are A, B, AB and O. Each of...
التغلّب على محنة فقدان الجنين
What will my healthcare team do to help my cope with my pregnancy loss? Your healthcare team can answer many...
داء السكري والحمل
What is diabetes during pregnancy? If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and are pregnant, you need special...
الصرع والحمل
What is it epilepsy in pregnancy? It is important to plan for a healthy pregnancy if you have epilepsy. Most...
العامل الخامس لايدن في الحمل
What is it factor V leiden? Factor V Leiden is a gene mutation. It can increase your chance of developing...
حركات الجنين
What is fetal movements? Fetal movements is a term that refers to the baby’s movements in the womb during pregnancy....
سكري الحمل
What is gestational diabetes? Diabetes develops if the body can’t make enough insulin. Insulin helps the body to absorb sugar...
Hyperemesis gravidarum
What is hyperemesis gravidarum? Around 72% of pregnant women experience nausea with or without vomiting during pregnancy. Usually it starts...
ارتفاع ضغط الدم في أثناء الحمل ومقدمات تسمُّم الحمل
What is hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia? Hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia are health concerns that can affect pregnant women...
التطعيم والحمل
ما المقصود بالتطعيم والحمل؟ الحصول على لقاحات قبل الحمل وخلال فترة الحمل وبعده لوقاية الأم والطفل من الأمراض. لقاحات لـ…
تحسين إدرار الحليب
What is improving breast milk supply? Sometimes, women have a low breastmilk supply after birth. There are many reasons why...
الإنهاء الطبي للحمل
What is medical termination? A medical termination uses medication to end a pregnancy. It is safe and effective for pregnancies...
Medicine in pregnancy and breastfeeding
What is medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding? Most medicines are safe to take at the recommended dose while breast feeding....
الصحة النفسية والحمل
What is mental health in pregnancy? Pregnancy can be an emotional time for many women. It’s not uncommon for pregnant...
What is miscarriage? A miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs within the first 20 weeks. This is usually confirmed...
السمنة أثناء الحمل
What is obesity in pregnancy? It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy. However, being overweight or obese before pregnancy,...
خيارات رعاية الحمل
It is important you have a say in your pregnancy care. In South Western Sydney, there are a few types...
متابعة التمزق العجاني
It is common for women to have some form of tear during a vaginal birth. A tear...
التخطيط لإنجاب طفل
What is planning to have a baby? If you’re planning to have a baby, it’s important to see your GP...
رعاية ما بعد الولادة
After you have a baby, you should see your GP soon after. They will check your body...
تخطيط ما قبل الحمل للسيدات المصابات بالسكري
What is pre-pregnancy planning? If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and can become pregnant, it is important...
What is subfertility? Subfertility is when a person finds it hard to fall pregnant. Eight in ten couples who...
مرض الغدة الدرقية أثناء الحمل
What is thyroid disease in pregnancy? Your thyroid gland is located in your neck, near the base of your throat....
الحمل غير المقصود
What is an unintended pregnancy? An unintended pregnancy is a pregnancy that is not planned. A chance pregnancy brings up...